Santa Barber

Buddies of NJ extends an invitation to Buddies Partners to Book a Time with

Santa Barber 149 Hudson Street for Holiday Cuts & Beauty Give Backs

Join the Cheer with music and goodies all day long.

See Ray or Alex to book some time

Hair Cuts—Massage– Beauty Look Good /Feel Good This Holiday Season

So far we have:Santa Alex, Santa Marco, Santa Johnny, & Santa Bart Twinkle


Buddies of NJ extends an invitation to give back this Holiday Season

12 noon to 6pm on Dec. 17th Santa Barber is opening up shop at

149 Hudson Street for Holiday Cuts & Beauty Give Backs

If you have talents in this field and are able to share, please call Ray at 201-290-1539

Join the Cheer with music and goodies all day long. We would prefer your presence yet would also

be grateful for poduct, gifts, and gift certificates that we can raffle off for free to client partners or

Or for donations at our annual Tom Hayes Holiday Brunch on Dec. 9th in Leonia